A Conversation on Meet a Mathematician and Math For All, with Padi Fuster in Practices and Policies: Advocating For Students of Color in Mathematics by Pamela E. Harris and Aris Winger (2021)
Published Research
A three regimes theorem for flow-firing, with Sarah Brauner, Galen Dorpalen-Barry, Caroline Klivans, and Lisa Schneider
To appear in Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (2025)
arXiv versionjournal version --coming soon!
On the lucky and displacement statistics of Stirling permutations, with Laura Colmenarejo, Aleyah Dawkins, Jennifer Elder, Pamela E. Harris, Kimberly J. Harry, Dorian Smith, and Bridget Eileen Tenner
Journal of Integer Sequences (2024)
arXiv versionjournal version
Multi-Rees algebras of strongly stable ideals, with Kuei-Nuan Lin and Gabriel Sosa
Collectanea Mathematica (2022)
arXiv versionjournal version
Rigid Gorenstein toric Fano varieties arising from directed graphs, with Irem Portakal and Akiyoshi Tsuchiya
Collectanea Mathematica (2022)
arXiv versionjournal version
Toric Ideals of Weighted Oriented Graphs, with Jennifer Biermann, Kuei-Nuan Lin, Augustine O’Keefe
International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol. 32, No. 02, pp. 307-325 (2022)
arXiv versionjournal version
Algebraic invariants of weighted oriented graphs, with Jennifer Biermann, Kuei-Nuan Lin, Augustine O’Keefe
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 55, pages 461–491 (2022)
arXiv versionjournal version
Betti numbers of weighted oriented graphs, with *Beata Casiday
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28(2) (2021), #P2.33
arXiv versionjournal version
Regularity of powers of edge ideals: from local properties to global bounds, with Arindam Banerjee and Tài Huy Hà
Algebraic Combinatorics, volume 3, no. 4 (2020), 839-854
arXiv versionjournal version
Regularity of edge ideals and their powers, with Arindam Banerjee and Tài Huy Hà
Advances in Algebra. SRAC 2017. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol 277. Springer, Cham
arXiv versionproceedings version
Algebraic properties of toric rings of graphs, with Tài Huy Hà, and Augustine O’Keefe
Communications in Algebra, 47:1 (2019), 1-16
arXiv versionjournal version
Regularity of powers of unicyclic graphs, with Ali Alilooee and Selvaraja S
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, volume 49, no. 3 (2019), 699-728
arXiv versionjournal version
Regularity of powers of forests and cycles, with Tài Huy Hà and Trân Nam Trung
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 42 (4) (2015), 1077–1095
arXiv versionjournal version
Gapfree graphs and powers of edge ideals with linear resolutions, with Nursel Erey, Sara Faridi, Tài Huy Hà, Takayuki Hibi and Susan Morey
arXiv version
Degree of h-polynomials of edge ideals, with Jennifer Biermann, Augustine O'Keefe, Joseph Skelton and Gabriel Sosa
arXiv version
Minimal cellular resolutions of path ideals, with Trung Chau and Kyle Wang
arXiv version
MorseResolutions M2 Package, with Trung Chau and Augustine O'Keefe
arXiv version
On algebraic and combinatorial properties of weighted simplicial complexes arXiv version